Appropriate Training & Consultancy Ltd
Is YOUR Training Appropriate?
Drug Valuation Course
Officers with min. 2 years drugs experience in general policing or 6 months dedicated drugs targeting team
1 Day (6hrs CPD)
Course Content
Drug Recognition, Case Law, Pricing & Calculations, Statement layout & presentation of documentary evidence, Peer Review, Possession v PWITS, Role of a Drug Expert.

CSI Cannabis Cultivations - securing best evidence
Crime Scene Investigators, Force Crime Scene management and/or Force CSI trainers, Cannabis Cultivation Dismantling Teams
1 Day (6hrs CPD)
Course Content
Cannabis - The Plant & Identification, Best Evidence & Photography, Scene Dismantling, Health & Safety, identification & handling of controlled drugs & paraphernalia
About Us
Appropriate Training & Consultancy Ltd was set up in October 2020 by Adrian Parsons following his retirement from Kent Police after 26 years working in all aspects of drugs policing and drugs training.
Adrian has been delivering opinion evidence as a drug expert witness since 2005, with his most significant court appearance as the single instructed expert in a 13 defendant trial set around the UK's largest single site cannabis cultivation.
For the 5 years up to his retirement, he held the position of association secretary within the UK law enforcement association DEWVA - Drug Expert Witness & Valuation Association and most recently he was a member of the NPCC National Drugs Working Group and a committee member of the Association of Police Controlled Drugs Liaison Officers (APCDLO).
Since 2009, Adrian has delivered the UK's leading law enforcement drug expert evidence course providing training to over 300 UK police officers through the delivery of 32 courses. Throughout this time he has been a strong advocate of the requirement of all law enforcement drug experts to go above and beyond with their impartiality when acting as prosecution experts.
It is this consistent approach to raising the standards of drug expert provision within the Criminal Justice System that has been recognised by senior leaders within Policing, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Judiciary alike.
Adrian has provided drugs training to the Judiciary, Senior Ranking officers within the Armed Forces and the High Sheriff of Kent. He has presented at the PNLD Law Conference and is a guest lecturer on the SECAMB Complex Paramedic Practice courses at Canterbury Christchurch University. He has briefed the Home Secretary, Home Affairs Select Committee, ACMD and the Home Office on various aspects of drugs policing.
Co-author of Home Office Circular 015/2012, The testing of substances suspected to be drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, Adrian also co-wrote the drug testing kit training manual, later adopted by the College of Policing and still in use today.
It is within this arena of drugs training that Appropriate Training & Consultancy Ltd (trading as AP Training & Consultancy) was born, as Adrian realised that with the financial constraints placed upon the police service, combined with the lack of experienced drugs knowledge remaining within them, that there was a need for affordable, credible and bespoke drugs training for police and partners.
​For more information about Adrian, his skill set, and what he has to offer, please visit his LinkedIn page by following any of the links on these pages.
Appropriate Training & Consultancy Ltd will come to you to deliver all aspects of training and consultancy and every training course delivered by us is risk assessed against COVID-19 principles and will follow government guidelines as they change.